Pollution, Thermal Pollution, Air Pollution?s Effects, Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, Environmental Pollution and Management, Environmental Pollution and Health, Noise Pollution, Water Pollution by Agriculture, Health Impacts of Water Pollution, Water Quality as a Global Issue, Cause of W..
Poultry Industry, Nutritional Requirements of Poultry, Components of Poultry Diets, Feed Resources, Poultry Breed Improvement and Technology, Changing Immune Function through Nutrition in Poultry, Nutrition Management under Adverse Environment in Poultry, Digestion and Metabolism of Poultry Nutritio..
1. Historical Background, 2. Organizational Theory in Public Administration, 3. Concept of Power, 4. Organizational Process and Change, 5. Theory of Leadership, 5. Theory of Leadership, 7. The Public Policy Formulation Process, 8. State Administration and Civil Services..
Introduction, Public Goods, Public Financial Tax, Public Financing of Government Expenditures, Development of Public Expenditure, General Principles of Budget, Principles of Public Finance, Fiscal Policy in India, Public Debt Management, India Financial Market, Investment Planning and Management..
Theory of Condensed Matter Physics, Phase Changes Matter in Physics, Electronic Structure of Matter, Nature of Matter in Physics, Semiconductor Crystal Growth, Structures of Solids in Physics, Crystal Structure and Lattices, X-ray Diffraction,..
Introduction to Fungi, Fungal Interactions, Mycology, Pathogenic Fungi, Forms of Crop Protection in Protected Cultivation, Beneficial Algae and its Importance, Methods of Mushroom Cultivation,..
Introduction, Ethical Codes: Moral Regulations for the Tourist, The Airlines Passenger?s Right and Remedies, Ethics for Tourism Industry, The Ethics of Poverty Tourism Industry, Ethical Decision-making in Tourism, Sustainable Tourism a form of Ethical Consumption, International Tourism Ethics..
Real Analysis, Elementary Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Continuous Function, Metric Space, Geometric Topology, Graph Theory, The Topology of Complex Numbers..
Sustainable Health System, Survival and Health, Health Planning, Sexual Health and Rights, Health Benefits of Physical Fitness, Health Education and Programme, Modernise and Develop Educational Methods and Health\r\nPromotion, Physical Education as Applied to Education, Persons, Practices and Physic..
1. Health Planning: Impacts on Tourism, 2. Health Care and Regulation:\r\nNew Perspectives, 3. Health Tourism and\r\nEconomic Development, 4. Health Tourism and Prostitution:\r\nA symbiotic Relationship, 5. Voluntary and Commercial\r\nTransactions: Paradigms of Health Tourism, 6. Health Tourism: Ide..