The Conceptual Framework, Review of Related Literature, Research Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation, Summary, and Implications of the Study, Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment of B.Ed. Teacher\r\nTrainees, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Summary, Findings and Suggestions,..
The Origin and Concept of HACCP, The HACCP System and how it Fits into FSIS Programs, The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System, HACCP Regulations to Ensure the Safety of Food., Implementation of the HACCP Program by Meat and Poultry\r\nSlaughterers, Meat Inspection Procedures,. ..
Geophysics, Applications for Dryland Agriculture Research\r\nand Geophysical Methods, Geography of Agriculture, Gis Based Crop Production Model and its Applications\r\nin Agriculture, Quantum Magnetometer, Electrical Geophysical Methods in Soil Genesis Studies, Geophysical Methods for Evaluating Phy..
Aquaculture Engineering, Design and Construction for Aquaculture Engineering, Aquaculture Technology, Development of the Amazon Aquaforum, Current Status of Aquaculture Genetics Engineering, Land Use and Site Selection in Aquaculture, Energy Inputs in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Water Quality, Farm O..
Introduction, Artificial Analysis and Human Minds, Theories of Intelligent Machines, Reasoning, Designing a Nanocomputer, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence in Robotics, Computer Vision Intelligence..
Introduction, Exercise Science of Sport Sociology, Sociological Aspect in Physical Education, Sports Sociology: Fitness and Wellness, Social Factors in Sporting Performance, The Social Psychology of the Creation of a Sports, Personal, Social and Health Education, Technique Training in Sports..
Digital Communication System, Analogy of Telephone Network Management and\r\nCommunication System, Wireless Telecommunications Systems, Noise in Communication Systems, Communication System of Radiofrequency and the\r\nElectromagnetic Spectrum, Broadcast Communication Networks and Switching, The Theo..
Introduction, Sustainable Development and Environmental Ethics in Tourism, The Discourse of ?New Wave Tourism, Environmental Management and Business Development in\r\nTourism, Tourism and Environmental Change Management, Natural Tourism Products, Human Resource Management in Tourism Planning,..