1. Introduction, 2. Magnetic Field that Extends into Space, 3. Magnetic Observatories and Data Analysis, 4. Pointings Energy Conservation Theorem, 5. Boundary Layer, 6. Usefulness of Geomagnetic Research,..
Introduction, Geometrical Optics and Newton?s Laws, Diffraction by a Single Slit, Coherence in Quantum Optics, Physical Optics, Geometrical Optics: Reflection and Refraction, Geometrical Optics and Astrophysics, Light and Optics..
Analytical Geometry in Three Dimensions, Vector Algebra, Geometry of Vectors, Equation, Hyperbolic Geometry, Vector Properties, Differential Functions in Geometry, Scalar and Vector, Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions, Physical Concept of the Derivative, Geometry of Determinant and Matrix, Grav..
An Introduction, Techniques for Modern Large-scale Geomorphic Analysis, Geology and Soil, Fluvial Morphology and Geomophology, Stream Erosion and Deposition, Geologic Maps and Fossils., The Landscape and Landform, Coastal Erosion, Evolution of Geomorphology, Climate Change and Soils,..
Role of Geophysics in the Oil Industry, Theory of Geophysics, Methods of Electrical Geophysical, Oil and Gas Exploration, Composition and Structure of Earth, Gas in Geopressurized Zones, Oil Field Development, Geomagnetism and Soil Mechanics, Oil Emulsions, Petroleum Exploration Methods, Geothermal ..
Geophysics, Electrical Geophysical Methods, Soil Mechanism, Orbit and Rotation of Earth, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Applications of Energy in Thermodynamics, Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, Earth?s Magnetic Field, Gravity and Electromagnetism, Practical Advances in Geothermal Energy..
Geophysics: An Introduction, Exploration Geophysics, Gravity and Magnetic Geophysical Methods in\r\nOil Exploration, Palm Oil Processing, Earth?s Grid Systems, Gravity Anomalies and Gravity Turbulence, Geophysical Methods in Soil Genesis, Geophysical Methods, The Earth: Composing and Structure,..
Structure of the Earth, Earth Rotation and Earth?s Interior, Science of Geology and Lithosphere, Biosphere.., Hydropower Development, Earth?s Atmosphere, Water Resources and Its Uses, The Petroleum System, Oil and Gas Resources..
Introduction, The Organic Sphere or Biosphere, Lithosphere in Earth Science, The Earth?s Surface, Earth?s Magnetic Field, Science of Geology, Atmosphere of Earth, The Earth?s Crust, Earth Rotation and Earth?s Interior, Rocks on the Earth Surface..
Geology Engineering, Structure and Tectonics, Mechanics of Soils, Rock Mechanics, Groundwater?Towards Sustainable Use, Weathering and Soil Formation, Structure and Rotation of the Earth, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering..