Forest Influences, Forestry and Silviculture, Wastelands and Forests, Forest Structure, Farm Landscapes in Forestry Management, Farm Planning and Land Resources in Forestry, Economics Planning in Land Policy, Land Allocated for Community Forestry, Forest Land and Farm Resources, Sustainable Forestry..
Legal Analysis of Murder, Forms of Crime and Offenders, Homicide: Murder and Manslaughter, Elements Criminal Laws, Dominance of Lawyers in Common Law Systems, Juvenile Delinquency, Theories of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Serial Killer: A Lifestyle Criminal in Profile, Court Procedure..
Introduction, Sports Psychology, The Motivational Dynamics of Sports Sociology, Physical Activity and Exercise Physiology, Exercise Physiology and Energy, Biomechanics, Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance..
The Main Themes of Microbiology, Cell Structure, Organization and Microorganisms, An Introduction to Viruses, Microbial Ecology and Cultivation, Microbial Metabolism: The Chemical Crossroads of Life, Microbial Genetics, Molecular and Bacterial Cell Adherence, The Fungi of Medical Importance, Environ..
Introduction, Role of Developmental Journalism, Media and News Coverage, Changing Styles of News, Responsible of Cultural Journalism, Press, News and Democracy, Journalism and News, News Process Findings in Journalism..
1. Need and Importance of Physical Education, 2. Physical Fitness Values of Physical Activities, 3. Role of Sports Psychology, 4. Development of Physical Education in Schools, 5. Kinesiology, Sports and Physical Education, 6. Motivational Techniques for Coaches and Athletes, 7. Biomechanical Physica..