Introduction, Successful Immigrant Behaviour in Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Business Organisation, Powerful Development of Entrepreneurship, Research on Human Motivation and Entrepreneurship, Innovation Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Financing, Employment Behaviour D..
Introduction, Nanoparticles, Characterization of Nanomaterials, Chemicals in the Environment, Nanoparticles in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments, Nanopollution, Health Impact of Nanotechnology..
1. Agricultural Growth and Performance: An Economy-wide\r\nAnalysis, 2. Water Population Growth and Environmental Quality, 3. Agricultural Marketing, 4. Soil Environment and its Modification, 5. Land Policy and Urban Planning in Agriculture..
Drinking Water Pollution and Public Health, Environmental Water Pollution, Health Impacts of Water Pollution, Population Growth, Environmental Quality and Public\r\nHealth Impacts, Ground Water Pollution, Pesticide Monitoring in Surface Water, Management of Environmental Pollution, Pollution of Drin..
Role of Geophysics in the Oil Industry, Theory of Geophysics, Methods of Electrical Geophysical, Oil and Gas Exploration, Composition and Structure of Earth, Gas in Geopressurized Zones, Oil Field Development, Geomagnetism and Soil Mechanics, Oil Emulsions, Petroleum Exploration Methods, Geothermal ..
1. Organic Chemistry, 2. Foundational Concepts of Organic Chemistry, 3. Chemicals in the Environment, 4. Elements of Environmental Chemistry, 5. Stereoisomerism Chemistry in Organic Compounds, 6. Chemical Fertilizers in Chemistry, 7. Hydrocarbons in Organic Chemistry, 8. Industrial Applications of E..
Introduction, Environmental Science, The Macroeconomic Environment, Environmental Engineering, Business Organisations and Environment, Environmental and Economic Policy, Energy and Environment Technology,..
Borehole Geophysics and Geophysical Survey, Electrical Geophysical Methods to Plantsoil Systems, Geographic Information System, Measurements of Gravity, Expansion of the Earth Models and Core, Greenhouse Gases, Earth?s Atmosphere and Environmental Carbon Monoxide, Methods and Principles of Geologic..
Environmental Management Practices in Hotels, Integrated Planning for Sustainable Tourism Development, Development and Implement in Hospitality Business, Hospitality Management, Environmentally Responsible Hotels, Environmental Impact Management in the Hotels and\r\nTourism Industry, Hotel?s Environ..
1. Environmental Impact of Nanotechnology, 2. Environment and Human Health, 3. Medical Benefits of Molecular Manufacturing, 4. Carbon Nanostructures Cylinder, 5. Medical Applications of Nanostructures, 6. Health and Safety Collision from Nanoparticles, 7. Nanotechnology in Chemical Modification, 8. ..
Noise Pollution, Pollution, Noise Pollution: Health Hazard and Protective Measures, Noise Pollution and Sound Intensities, Measuring and Perceiving Loudness, The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, Health Effects Environment, The Precise Nature of Hearing, Environmental Pollution, ..