Processing Fish and Fish Products, Smoking Fish, Salting Fish, Natural Drying Fish, Canning Fish, Microbiology of Fermented Fishery Products, Aquaculture Products, Fish Composition in Fishery Products, Packaging Materials for Chilled Fish, Fish Dried Products, Principal Method of Fish Processing and..
1. Digital World and Artificial Intelligence, 2. Agent of Simulation and Intelligence, 3. The Multi Agent Model, 4. World of Intelligent Computational Entities, 5. Multi Criteria Classification Method, 6. Process Modelling, 7. Process Control and Fault Diagnosis,..
Introduction, Botanical Research Explores Studies of Plant Science, Architecture of Plants, Metabolism of Plant Cells and Culture, Plant Anatomy, Plant Reproduction, Plant Genetics, Plant Taxonomy..
Introduction, Role of Information Technology in Managing\r\nOrganisational in Library, Library Networks, Role of Information Technology in Library Science, Digital Library and its Impact, Internet Searching in Library, Library Application in Information System, Library Information Service,..
The Functions in the University and its Library, Library Skills and Managerial Challenges, Information Technology in Libraries, Research Information Sources in the Library Science, A Modern Digital Library System, Library Operations and Use,..
Cell Growth and Cell Cycle in Plant, The Chemical Basis of Life: Atoms and Molecules, Plant Breeding, Respiration and Lipid Metabolism, Stress Physiology, Micropropagation in Plants, Genetic Material: Properties and Replication, Techniques in Molecular Biology, Organisation of Genome,..
1. Curriculam and Development in Physical Education, 2. Designing of Curriculum, 3. Approaches to Curriculum Development, 4. Physical Education, 5. Curriculum in Mental Health and Nutrition, 6. Fitness and Training..