Revitalization of Science Teacher Education, Innovation in Teaching - Learning Process, Flipped Classrooms Learning, Role of ICT in Educational Transactions, Quality Enhancement in Teaching ? Learning, Use of ICT For Teaching Psychology, Traditional Classroom Vs Flipped Classroom, Preparing the Acad..
Recent Experience from the Hindu Daily:\r\nTop Schools and Learning by Rote Practice, Role of Constructivism and Computer Technology\r\nin Future Classroom Learning, Role of Information Seeking and ICT in\r\nShaping Future Classrooms, Role of Teacher and Technology in Future Classrooms, Role of Teac..
Tailoring the Techniques of Teaching in Developing\r\nCritical Thinking Ability, Teacher as the Leader :\r\nA Requisite to Shape a Future Classroom, Teacher Effectiveness in the Global Context, Teacher Evaluation : A Joint Venture, Teacher Training : Challenges and Responses, Teacher-Student Interac..
Leadership Theories, Leadership Styles, Leadership and Motivation, Business Acumen and Leadership, Nature of Organisational Leadership, Value Leadership, Elements of Effective Leadership, Corporate Behaviour, Corporate Behaviour,..
Introduction, The Use of Progressive Writing Techniques, Countermodern Virtualism, Glass Techniques in the Middle Ages, Language, Landscape and Place, Cognition in Reading and Writing, Expository Writing, Nature of Magazine Feature Writing, The Problem of Modern Writing, Impact of Consent Procedures..
Introduction, Objectives of Fiscal Policy, Bank Credit and the Rural Economy, Global Financial Trend, Multinational Capital Budgeting, Foreign Exchange Market, Towards a New International Financial Architecture, The Development of Public Revenue, Monetary Policy..
Introduction, Material and Design Requirements, Structural Analysis, Beams and Girders,. Compression and Beam-Column Members, Connection, Structural Framing..
Use the Internet to Teach Information Literacy, The Technology in Education: On-line, Power Point and Education, Educational Projects, Practices and Global\r\nPartnerships, Technology Integration?Challenges and\r\nOpportunities, Use of Distance Education in Non-formal\r\nEducation, Government Invest..
Introduction to Food Preservation, Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, Methods of Meat Preservation, Freezing and Refrigerated Storage in Fisheries, Food Fermentation Technology, Pickling, Food Irradiation, Food Canning,..