The Cruise Industry, Onboard Advisory Systems Management, Hospitality and Cruise Ship Management, Personnel Management in Shipboard, Development of Shipping Industry, The Marine Crew Management, Cruise Onboard Experience Management, Cruise Line Operations and Management,..
Sales and Marketing Management, The Marketing Relations and Sales Promotion, Advertising Industry, Advertising Agency and Brand Management, Sales and Operations Management in Hotel Industry, Marketing through Advertising in Hotels, Hospitality Businesses and the Distribution Channel\r\nManagement, H..
Almighty and Islamic Culture, Ethical Issues in Islam, Philosophical Trends in Islam, Cultural Reconstruction in Islam, Practical Aspects of Culture, Politics of Fatwa, Sharia Interpretation..
Introduction to Family, Family Law and Social Change, Family Social Welfare, Family System, Child Law and Child Rights, Nature of Child Protection Act, Child Legislations Act, Health Protection and Products of Children..
1. Nature of Business Activities, 2. Multinational Capital Budgeting, 3. Effective Cash Management, 4. Towards a New International Financial Architecture, 5. Foreign Exchange Market, 6. Pursuing Product Differentiation and\r\nCost Leadership Strategies..
Introduction, Financial Accountancy Basics, Variance Analysis, Financial Transactions and the Limitations\r\nof Accounting, Concepts of Budget, Currency Risks, Systems Auditor, Other Aspects of Accounting, Enterprise Risk Management,..
Globalization and its Fall Out, Globalization: Effects in Asia and Beyond, Globalization, Poverty and Food\r\nSecurity in Tribal People, Free Trade, The Development of the GATT WTO System, The Uruguay Round and Beyond, Most Favoured Nation, The Arguments for Protection..
Introduction to Financial Management, Reading Financial Statements, Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements, Profit Planning and Break-even Analysis, Budgets and Financial Statements, Control and Profitability, Financial Statements with Inventory, Translation of Foreign Currency and Fina..
Introduction to Fingerprint, Working Principle of Existing Minutiae Based Fingerprints\r\nMatching, Ballistic Fingerprinting Identification and Criminal Justice\r\nSystem, Accuracy of Fingerprint Analysis, How Fingerprinting Works, Fingerprint Systems, Fingerprint Development Techniques, Fingerprint..
Introduction, Fish Biology, Dried Fish, Seafood, Raising Fish for Food in Southeast Asia, Biochemistry of Fish Oils, Seafood on American Menus: Past and Present,..
1. Agricultural Applications of Biotechnology, 2. Techniques of Animal Biotechnology, 3. Genetic Modification of Fish, 4. Fish Genetics and Breeding, 5. Nutritional Biotechnology in Aquaculture, 6. Biotechnology for Aquaculture Development, 7. Conservation of the Genetic Resources of Fish, 8. Safety..