Properties of Soils, Soil Classification, Soil Constituents, Soil Description and Classification, Biological Indicators of Soil Health and Soil Biodiversity, Soils Organic Pasture Systems, Soil and Water Conservation on Agricultural Land, Management Steps to Improve Soil Quality, Methods to Assess i..
Underground Mining, Coal Mining Technologies, Elements of Mining, Mining and Mineral Processing, Commercial Coal Mining, The Coal-Mining Sector during Colonialism and\r\nafter ?Independence, Coal and Petroleum Geology, Coal Mining in India, Coal Stratigraphy, Environmental Impact of Coal Industry..
Introduction, Underground Construction Techniques, Tunnels and Underground Excavations Engineering, Preparing for Construction Scheduling, Technology on Projects Construction Management, Design and Construction of Integrated System, Construction Equipment, Cost Estimates in Building Construction..
Understanding English Grammar, Subject in English Grammar, Uses of Comma in a Simple Sentence, Nouns and Noun Phrases, Verb Tenses and Forms, English Preposition, Simple Subjects of Interjections, Variation among Languages in English Articles, Uses of English Grammar,..
Introduction, Disease in Animals, Diseases in Cattle, Veterinary Infection and Treatment, Bacteria Disorders in Animals, Genomics, Immunology and Diseases, Zoonosis Disorders..
Small Entrepreneur and Business, Theory of Entrepreneurship, Understanding Entrepreneurship: A Function of Organization, Entrepreneurship Development, Emergence of Business Communities of Industrial\r\nEntrepreneurship, Management of Small-scale Enterprises, Entrepreneurial Economics, Small Business..
International Relation: Meaning Scope and Other Concepts, Theory of International Relation, The Security Studies in International Politics, Understanding International Politics and Relations System, Bilateral and Regional Relations, Understand International Relations: Levels of Analysis, Al-Qaeda an..
Introduction, The Effectiveness of Public Health Interventions against\r\nCOVID-19, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Precautions, COVID-19: Epidemiology, Virology and Clinical Features, COVID-19: Disease, Management, Investigational Treatment\r\nand Social Impact Distancing, COVID-19: Isolation, Social Distan..
Library Automation in University Libraries,Design of Universe Digital Library System,Knowledge Organization Systems in Library System,Methodology of Achieving Organisational Changes in\r\nLibrary System,Modern Technology in Library System,Development of Public Libraries,Language used in Collective C..
Density of Liquids, Rheology of Fluids, Properties of Fluids, Motion of Fluid Elements, Fluid Flow, The Thermodynamics of Fluids, Fluid Mechanics, Buoyancy and Layers, Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Wave Motions in Fluid Flows, Fluid and Hydro Statics, Potential Flows..