Soil Description and Classification,Chemical Problems of Soils,Mineral Transformations in Soil,Soil Fertility, Nutrition and Essential Plant Nutrients,Soil Rhizosphere,Soil Bacteria,Soil Organisms,Soil Formation, Temperatures and Conditions of Sandy Soil,..
Functional Groups of Soil Organisms, Physical Mechanisms of Soil, Soil Testing Equipment, Organic Matter of the Soil, Biotic Substances of the Soil, Field Sampling, Examination and Description of Soils, Soil Analysis..
Soil Microorganisms in Biodegradation of Pesticides\r\nand Herbicides,. Planting for Pest Management, Soilborne Pathogens, Management Effects on Soil Biota, Soil Aggregate by Microbes, Affects of Soil Microorganisms on Plant Health and Nutrition, Postharvest Plant Pathology, Fungal Diseases of Plant..
Introduction, Potatoes Gardening, Companion Planting, Tomatoes Gardening, Cropping Techniques, Vegetable Gardens, Development of Vegetable Crops, Systems and Approaches in Gardening, Crop Ammoniation and Nutrition, Field Crop, Scarification of Seed..
The Propagation of Sound, Fundamentals of Vibration, Strings, Standing Waves and Harmonics in Vibration, Displacement and Pressure in Sound Wave, Radio Frequency, Music and Musical Instruments, Interference in Sound Waves, Superposition of Harmonic Waves, Standing Sound Waves, Nature of Sound Wave, ..
Southeast Asian Politics,Economic Integration for Central Asia and Developing\r\nCountries,Emerging Trends of Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk\r\nin Asia-Pacific,Export Led Growth in South East Asia: an Overview of Export ......\r\nPolicies and Lessons for India,Security Politics in South East Asia..
Space and Time in Classical Mechanics, Theory of Special Relativity, Dimensions of Space, Theory of Relativity, Newtonian Gravity vs. Relativity, Cosmology and Electron, The Space-Time Continuum of the Special Theory, Wave Motion and Mechanics, Astro-time Physics, Moons and Small Solar System Bodies..
Library and Information Technology, Describing Geospatial Information, Library an Information Policy at the National Level, Sources of Information, Content Management System in Library, Library Information Access and User Interface, Information Access in Digital Libraries, Online Cataloguing, Info..