1. Laws and Methods in Electrical Machine, 2. Design of Magnetic Circuit, 3. Design Process OF REM, 4. Rotating Electrical Machine Properties, 5. Insulation of Electrical Machines, 6. Windings of EM, 7. Heat Transfer and Losses,..
Sets, Relations and Mappings, Applications of Integral, Algebra of Complex Number, Abstract Function, Cyclic Groups and Subgroups, Linear Transformation, Abstract of Permutation Groups, Ring, Integral Domain and Fields, Laplace Transforms, Vector Space, Subspace and Algebra, Functions of Matrices,..
Cricket, Football, Basketball, Law in Tennis, Table Tennis, Track and Field Sports, Wrestling, Weight Lifting, Water Polo, Diving, Hockey, Boxing, Badminton, Gymnastics, Kabaddi..
Rural Livelihoods and Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Developments in Food Security, Rural Livelihood Women, Food Security and Agricultural\r\nCooperatives, Keeping Foods Safe at Home, Climate Change and Food Security, Public Policy of Food Security and Supply, Voluntary Food Safety Management ..
Rural Poultry Production, Backyard Poultry Farming- A Source of Better Livelihood for\r\nRural Farmers, Rural Market for Poultry, Rural System of Breeding and Breeds, Feeding and Feeds, Egg Production, Analysis of Participation of Farmers in Participatory Poultry\r\nProduction, Impact of Climate Cha..
Introduction,Overview of Rural Sociology,Rural Economy,Rural Housing,Rural Community,Agriculture and Rural Development,Small Holdings in Agriculture,Entrepreneurship as an Economic Force in\r\nRural Development,Gram Sabha and Village Level Governance,Self-governance and Forest Resources,..
Sales and Marketing Management, The Marketing Relations and Sales Promotion, Advertising Industry, Advertising Agency and Brand Management, Sales and Operations Management in Hotel Industry, Marketing through Advertising in Hotels, Hospitality Businesses and the Distribution Channel\r\nManagement, H..
Introduction, Brief Review of Related Literature, Statement of the Problem, Objectives,\r\nHypotheses and Variable Studied, Methods of Investigation, Analysis and Discussions..
Introduction, Drugs Used in Sport, Sports Injuries, Sports and Exercise Physiology, The Effects of Amphetamines in Sport, Personality Characteristics and Sporting Behaviour, Sports: Psych-down Techniques, The Epidemiology of Anabolic Steroid Abuse, Psychotherapies, Sports Conditioning for Function..