1. Applications and Research, 2. Gene Therapy, 3. Genetic Engineering, 4. Stem Cells, 5. Cancer and Its Treatment, 6. Production of Vaccine, 7. Tissue Engineering, 8. Biopharmaceuticals, 9. Antisense Therapy,..
Reference Service, Digital Reference Services for Public Library, Reference Sources in Library Science, Promoting Libraries and Reference Service, Information Technology Based Library Services, Digital Library Projects on Reference Services, Internet on Library and Information Services, Electronic P..
Agricultural Development Policy, Agricultural Growth and Sector Policy, Products of Agricultural Biotechnology, The Monopoly Stage of Capitalism in Agriculture, Agriculture Production and Green Revolution, Agricultural Development in Sustainability, Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation, Agriculture a..
Principles of Remote Sensing, Sensor Systems in Remote Sensing, Cropping Systems through Remote Sesing, Data Acquisition Techniques in Remote Sensing, Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Technique, Soils Science, Map Projection and Properties in Remote Sensing, Science of Geology, Geologic Maps an..
Introductory Notes, The Anglo Saxon Conquest, English Literature Since 1901, Octavian (Romance, William Shakespeare?s Passages, The Politics of Representation in a Passage to India, Romanticism, Jugglers, Folk Plays and Pageants, Religion and the Discourses of the Self in Literature, The Metaphysici..
Introduction of Fishing,Technological Advances of Fish Behaviour\r\nin Relation to Demersal Fishing Trawls, Research for Capture Fisheries\r\nand Post Harvest Technology,Resources of Reservoir Fisheries in India, Trends and Value of River Fisheries,Genetic Biotechnologies in the Fishery Sector,..
The Nature of Research and Inquiry, Locating, Reviewing, and Writing Research, Outcomes Research in Counseling, Quantitative Research Design in Counseling, Practical Counseling Research Approaches: Using Action\r\nResearch and Single-Subject Research Designs, Programme Evaluation and Accountability,..
Introduction to Library, Implications for Academic Research Libraries, Responsibility in Library Management, Planning, Laws of Library Science, Research Technology in Digital Library, Research in Electronic Journals Models, A Techno-Savvy Approach of Traditional Cataloguing, Abstracting and Indexin..
Real Analysis, Elementary Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Continuous Function, Metric Space, Geometric Topology, Graph Theory, The Topology of Complex Numbers..
Introduction,Social Work Research and Practice,Research Methods Used in Social Work,Principles and Practice in Social Research,Social Work Research in Teaching,Research Design Methods,Methods of Data Collection,Quantitative Research..
1. Meaning and Definition of Public Administration, 2. Administrative and Scientific Management, 3. Research Methodology, 4. Decision Methods for Policy Analysis, 5. Participatory Theory of Democracy, 6. Research Methodology and Practice of Public Administration, 7. Methodology in Research Design, 8..