Introduction, Management of Business Communication, Reflexive Communication, Business Briefing, Business Negotiation, The Choice of Media, Communications for Managers, Basic Principles of Effective Communication, Social and Invitation Correspondence..
The Nucleolus, Molecules Biochemistry, Plant Molecular Physiology, Biological and Synthetic Dioxygen Carriers, Understanding Hydraulic Conductivity, Photosynthesis, Chromatin and Chromosomes, Enzyme Structure of DNA, Recombinant DNA and Gene Cloing, Gene Development, DNA and RNA,. Viruses and Eukary..
Concepts in Themodynamics, Chemistry of Themodynamics, Kinetic Theories of Gases, Basic Chemical Laws, Classical Thermodynamics, Thermochemical Equations, Thermodynamic Diagrams..
Atoms and Molecules, Basic Chemistry of Nucleic Acid, The Cell, Mechanical Separation of Nucleic Acids, Bioleaching by Microbial Process, Microbiological Issues in Food Products Sanitation, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2, Dietary Antioxidants..
Visualising Human Chromosomes, Mathematical Modelling of Gene Regulation, Functional Annotations for Genes, Postgenomic Chemistry, DNA Sequencing Theory, Different Types of Biological Databases, Sequence Searches in Biological Databases, Gene Finding, Human Genome Data in Relation to Disease\r\nMana..
Introduction, Research Methodologies in Geoscionce, Investigating Geocognition, Hypothesis Testing and Geoscience Proposal, Building Bridges Between Field and Laboratory, Integrating Cathodoluminescence, Petroleum Geoscience, Model for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences..
Organisation of Genome, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), DNA Repair and Evolution, Techniques of Molecular Biology, Ionic Bonding, Gene: Its Expression, Genetic Code, Techniques in Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering or Recombinant DNA Technology, Enzymes in Molecular Biology Research, Protein Synthe..
Introduction, Clinical Implications of Human Immunoglobulin Classes, Chemical Nature of Immunogens, Humoral and Chemical Barriers, Microbiological Issues in Food Products Sanitation, Immunoglobulins: Antigen-antibody Reactions, Water Microbiology, Cytokines and Immunoregulation..