Introduction,Performance Budgeting: Concept and Objectives, Budget Forecasting Techniques, Process of Performance-based Budgeting, Activity Based Budgeting, Multinational Capital Budgeting and Firm Performance, Preparation of Cash Budget, Public Relations Budgeting, Budget Statement and Control, Bus..
Introduction, Performance Appraisal, Performance Development and Assessment, Project Performance Measurement, Planning Tools and Performance Measures for\r\nProjects and Divisions, Mentoring and Performance Coaching, Team Goals and Performance Management, Learning as a Tool of Performance, Control M..
Introduction, Review of Related Literature, Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Value System of Higher Secondary School\r\nTeachers, otional Stability of High School Teachers..
1. Functional Unit of Living Substance of Zoology, 2. The Methods of Evolution, 3. Molecular Phylogenetics, 4. Animal Physiology, 5. Basics Development of Comparative Embryology, 6. Physiology of Development, 7. Significance of Animal Behavior, 8. Animal Morphology..
Economics of Petrodollar and Euro, International Energy Outlook, Petro Giants, Management and Evaluation of Oil Shale Reserves, Storage and Marketing, Strategy and Management of Oil Reserves, International Pressure and Pricing,..
Petroleum, Petroleum and Hydrocarbons, Petroleum Products, Biogas, Anaerobic Digestion, Ammonia in Gas Purification, Benefits of Biogas Production, Biogas Technology..
Lubricating Oil and Grease, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Biodiversity Conservation into Oil and Gas Development, Oil and Gas Pipelines, Petroleum Oil and Gas, Hydrocarbons from Petroleum and Gas, Greenhouse Gases,..
Petroleum Fluids, Petroleum Oil; Gas Resources and their Uses, Rocks and their Classifications, Rock Deformation: Stress and Strain, Rock Forming Minerals and Sediments Rock, Rocks Weathering, Minerals and Hydrology in\r\nSoil Mechanics, Mechanics of Soils, Soil Hydrology Engineering,..
Petroleum: Oil and Natural Gas, The Rover Turbine Cars, Chrysler Turbine Car, Gas Turbine, Internal Combustion Engine, Extraction, Natural Gas Exploration, Drilling, and Well Completion, Combustion Gas Turbines..