Human Capital Into Financial Capital
Human Capital Into Financial Capital
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Book Info | |
Author | Dr. S.K. Panneer Selvam |
Page No | 372 |
Reprint Year | REPRINT-2023 |
Year | 2015 |
Management of Micro-Enterprises in N.E. Region of Assam with\r\nspecial reference in Sonitpur District of Assam, Emerging Ecosystem for Entrepreneurship in India with special\r\nreference to Finance, An Empirical Study on the Factors of Entrepreneurs\r\nSuggested to Bootstrapped Entrepreneurs, Shg ? A Significant Tool for Co-operative Entrepreneurship in\r\nRural West Bengal, The Role of Rrbs In Entrepreneurship Development, Ekgaon: Credit Facilitation to Rural Entrepreneurs with\r\nMobile Services Intervention, Inclusive Growth Through Insupreneurship: A Study with\r\nReference to Life Insurance in India, Rural Women Entrepreneurship through Self-Help\r\nGroups and Micro-Finance Institutions: Do they\r\nreally lead to Economic Development of\r\nPoor Women, Focus Markets, New Generation Entrepreneurship:\r\nIndia?s Options in Lac, Economic Empowerment of the Poor: A Study on the Self Help\r\nGroups (Shgs) in West Bengal, Role of Banking Institutions in Promotion and Development of\r\nMicroenterprises of Shgs, The Ethical Practices of small Enterprises in Twin Cities, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Job Creation, Based on\r\nIncubators: International Experience, Innovation Reconsidered: Industry Meeting Global Challenges, Product and Service Innovations in Rural Markets of India:\r\nMarket Penetration through Development of Local\r\nEntrepreneurship, Categorizing & Chustering of Innovators: New Dimension in\r\nGrassroots invention, A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurial Innovations in\r\nFormal and Informal Sectors, Public?Private Technology Transfer Stimulates Innovation and\r\nPropel Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Leadership and New Venture Innovations:\r\nThe two faces of R, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India: Some Concerns,\r\nSome Directions, Progressive Metamorphosis of Workforce:\r\nLeader Creating Leaders, Role of Women in Family Managed Businesses:\r\nA Study in Andhra Pradesh, An Analytical Study of the Impact of Women Entrepreneurship\r\nDevelopment Measures Promoted By The Government and\r\nFinancial Institutions in Kerala
Book Info | |
Author | Dr. S.K. Panneer Selvam |
Page No | 372 |
Reprint Year | REPRINT-2023 |
Year | 2015 |