COVID-19: Lessons for Disaster Management, Coronavirus Impact on India, Coronaviruses in Humans, COVID-19: The Global Public Health Disaster Challenge, Workplace Hazard Controls for COVID-19, Complex Disasters and Public Health, China?s COVID-19 for Global Influence and Disaster, Disaster Management..
Introduction to Disaster, Disaster Recovery System, Disaster Recovery Plan, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Auditing, Role of Technology in Disaster Recovery Management, Localizing Disaster Relief: Planning and Execution, Controlling Hazards Management, Environmental Disasters Management, ..
Introduction, Framework for Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, Theoretical Discrete Mathematics, Infinite Series, Calculus of Logic, Domain and Range, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Functions versus Relations, Graph and Trees, Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations..
Value of Plant Diseases Resistance, Insect Pest Resistance, Genetics of Host Parasite Interaction, Breeding for Resistance to Plant Diseases and Insects, Nature Vulnerability of Resistance in Disease, Plant Breeding for Insect Resistance, Pest and Disease Control, Fungal and Fungal-like Diseases of ..
Introduction, Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses and Soybeans, Root and Crown Rots of the Grasses, Nature and Importance of Plant Diseases, Seed Borne Fungal Diseases, Leaf Disease of Grasses, Alfalfa Diseases, Legume Diseases, Powdery Mildews on Ornamental Plants, Nematodes Diseases..
Oilseed Crops, Diseases in Crop and its Control, Disease of Seedlings, Nutrient Deficiencies in Oilseed Crops, Seed-Borne Disease, Pest and Disease Control Management, Diseases of Corn Seedlings, Essential Oil..
The Effect of Raw Materials and Production Conditions on\r\nVegetables Auxiliary Raw Materials, Vegetable Pest Management, Vegetables Diseases, Vegetable Precise Processing Skills, Methods of Reducing Deterioration, Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change, Vegetable Gardening in Cr..
1. Fish Production: Structure and Composition, 2. Artificial Hybridization, 3. Biotechnology in Fish Breeding, 4. Expression Pattern of Genes of Hormones that Control\nGrowth in Fish, 5. Selective Breeding Programmes for Medium-Sized Fish\nFarms, 6. Seasonality in Marine Mammal Reproduction, 7. Simp..
Important Feature of DNA, Monogastric Nutrition and Biotechnology, Supplements and Natural Vitamin Complex, Genetic Molecules and Structure of DNA, Peptidoglycan Synthesis and Cell Division, Techniques in Recombinant DNA Technology, Cell Biology and Cell Differentiation, Nucleus: The Cell Structure,..