Deep-sea Fisheries, Principles of Freshwater Fish Culture, Deep-sea Fisheries in Greenland and Iceland Seas, Deep Water Fisheries, Deep Ocean Fisheries, Freshwater Fish, Deep-sea Resources, Fisheries Impact on Deep-sea Stocks,..
Introduction, India?s Defence Industry in the 21st Century, Chinese Army Modernization, India?s Defence Preparedness, The Defense Intelligence Agency, Synopsis of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), Levels of Intelligence Analysis, Intelligence Reform, Anticipatory Socialization and Intelligence Analy..
1. Geopolitics, Geostrategy and Defense Policy, 2. Theory and Methodology, 3. Strategic Culture and Strategy, 4. India Military History .., 5. Military Modernization, 6. The Changing Character of War in the 21 Century, 7. Peacekeeping,..
Seafood, Fish Food and its Products, Freshness, Quality and Safety in Seafoods, Seafood Processing Production Industry, Packaging of Fish Products and Deep-Sea Fisheries, Prawns Recipes, Dry Fish Recipes, Fish Recipes..
Perception of Governance,Ideal Governance Traditions,Islamic Governance Traditions,The Clash of Shariah and Democracy,Islamic Shariah Law and Democracy,Theocratic Challenge to Constitution Drafting in\r\nPost-Conflict States,..
Unit 1 Masonry Units, Materials, Types & Masonry Construction, Unit 2 Strength and Stability, Unit 3 Permissible Stresses, Unit 4 Design Considerations, Unit 5 Load Considerations for Masonry, Unit 6 Design of Masonry Walls, Unit 7 Reinforced Masonry, Unit 8 Masonry Walls in Composite Action, Unit 9..
Introduction, Design Guidelines for Drainage System, Drainage Development in a Changing Environment:\r\nOverview and Challenges, Groundwater Pumping Stations Serving Type C\r\nWaterproofing Systems, Drip Irrigation System, Solar-powered Pumping in Agriculture: A Guide to System ..\r\nSelection and D..
Introduction, Design Concept of Tall Structure, Tallest Buildings in the World, High-Rise Architecture, Skyscraper Building, Design Methodology, Engineering Analysis in Building Structures, Tall Building Material..
Introduction of Financial Plan,Analyzing the Financial Resources of the Business,Financial Management,Capital Budgeting, Financial Models, Cash Forecast, Building Blocks of Finance,..
1. The Communication Process, 2. Development of Local Communication and Interpersonal\r\nCommunication, 3. Public Broadcasting, 4. Communication in Business, 5. Prospects of Information Technology, Communication and\r\nEntertainment for Development, 6. Information and Communication Technology, 7. M..
An Introduction to Guidance and Counselling, Guidance Education and Counselling, Development of Vocational Guidance, Functions of the Guidance Worker and Counseling, Developmental Techniques in Guidance and Counseling, Educational Counselling, Supportive Skills and Techniques in Guidance and\r\nCoun..