Introduction to Citizenship,Global Citizenship,National Citizenship,Citizenship and Rights,Corporate Citizenship,Conceptions of Citizenship,The Political Philosophical Foundations of Citizenship,Citizenship in Education..
Socio-cultural of Society and Urban Transformation, City Planning and Construction Development, Water Supply and Sanitation Planning, City, Society and Master Planning, The Design and Construction Process Planning, Economic Principles in Land use Planning, Role of Housing in Development of Family an..
Introduction, Concept and Construction in Civil Engineering, Properties of Concrete Management, Architectural Theory and Technology, Materials Engineering, Importance of Planning, Scheduling and Construction Management\r\n134, Building Structures and Cost Management, Building Construction and Mainte..
Introduction,Rise of Islamic Civilization,Muslim Sects and their Development,Cultural Aspects,Islamic Faith and Belief,Social Behaviour in Islam,Social Obligations in Islam,..
Unit 1 Participate Workplace Communication: Message and\r\nEngagement, Unit 2 Work Participate in Team Environment Management, Unit 3 Career Professionalism in Dressmaking, Unit 4 Basic Calculation in Perform Estimation, Unit 5 Sewing Machine Maintenance, Unit 6 Drafting and Cutting Pattern for Casu..
Old English Literature: c./450?1066, Middle English Literature: 1066?1500, English Renaissance: 1500?1660, Restoration Age: 1660?1700, The Eighteenth Century, The Nineteenth Century, The Twentieth Century, Literature for the 21st Century,..
Introduction, Geometrical Optics and Newton?s Laws, Diffraction by a Single Slit, Coherence in Quantum Optics, Physical Optics, Geometrical Optics: Reflection and Refraction, Geometrical Optics and Astrophysics, Light and Optics..
Understanding the Geography, Land Forms Geography, Biogeography, Physical Geography, Social Geographies of the Modern World, Climate Change, Asian Geography, The Resource Geography, Ocean Currents,..
Clinical Medicine for Veterinary, Urinary Disease and Principles of Therapy, Animal Infection and Treatment, Animals Care, Common Poisonings in Veterinary, Predicting Drug-drug Interactions, Blood Components in Veterinary, Diagnostic Tests, Pathogens to Animals..
Concept of Digital Signal, The Fourier Transform, Digital and Analog Signals, Tunneling Spectroscopy, Tunneling Spectroscopy, Inverse Laplace Transform, Digital Signals in CMOS Gate, Simple Fourier Series, Amplitude Modulation Technique, Logic Families, Circuit and Gates..