Production and Ingredients of Animal Feed, Animal Cell Structure and Functions, Carbohydrate in Animal Diet, Nutritional Importance of Animal Source Foods, Animal Genome Sequencing, Nucleotide Metabolism, DNA Sequencing, Heme Biosynthesis, Carbohydrate Metabolism, Biochemical Basis of Disease in Ani..
Introduction, Clinical Pathology and Procedures, Diagnostic Imaging, Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis, Stool Guaiac Test, Prognosis, Blood Plasma, Skin Scraping, Infectious Diseases of the Urinary System in Small Animals, Behavioural Medicine Introduction..
1. Domestic Violence and Law, 2. Gender Violence, 3. Violence against Women, 4. Citizenship and Rights, 5. Women Laws Against Violence and Abuse, 6. Constitutional Equality and the Women?s Right, 7. Muslim Women?s Rights,..
21st Century Classroom-Goals and Characteristics, 21st Century Classroom: Responding to the Needs of the\r\nStudents of English Language, Collaborative and Communicative Approach in the ELT\r\nClassroom: The Teacher\'s Dashboard, A Comparative Study of the Concept Attainment Model\r\nand Conventiona..
Introduction to Art, Data Encryption and Decryption, Digital Evidence Extraction, , Categorization of Multimedia, Digital Audio and Podcasting, Multimedia Broadcasting and the Internet, The Age of New Technology and New\r\nOpportunities, The International Trade in Art..
Introduction, Curriculum Theory, Alternative Education, Guidance in the Elementary School, Psychology and Vocational Guidance, Government Interest in Vocational Education, Industrial Training Institute..
1. Introduction, 2. Mobile Communication and Mobile Networks, 3. Wireless Networking and Communication Technology, 4. Tools and Technologies for Mobile Learning,5. Mobile and Cellular Standards Process, 6. Bluetooth, 7. Guidance for Sustainable Mobile Telecommunication Growth..
1. Career in Television, 2. Modern Cable Television Technology, 3. ICTs in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 4. Usability Valuation Techniques for Interactive Television, 5. Test Materials for Subjective Assessment of Stereoscopic\r\nTelevision Pictures, 6. Public Sphere and Modern Te..
Use of Water in Agriculture, Importance of Water Conservation, Rainwater Harvesting, Soil Water Conservation, Irrigation Water Conservation, Water Conservation in Semi-arid Areas, On-Farm Water Conservation, Wastewater Treatment and Use in Agriculture..
Protection of Irrigation Water Quality, Water Environment and Pollution, Water Pollution, Principles of Waste Water Pollution and Management, Alleviation of Water Law, Protection in Watershed Management, Water Problem, Struggle and Pollution, Clean Water Act..
1. Introduction, 2. Agriculture and Water Pollution, 3. Agrochemicals Pollutants, 4. Chemical Problems of Soils, 5. Impacts of Agriculture Pollution and Water Quality, 6. Waste Water Treatment, 7. Water Pollution, Problem and Crisis, 8. Water Environment and Pollution,..