Meaning and Definition of Physical Education, Sport Psychology, Sport Development, Management and Coaching, Designing and Implementing Training Programmes, Physiology of Exercise: Management and Administration..
1. Press Freedom and Development, 2. Media and Legislative Privileges, 3. Laws and Regulations in Indian Broadcasting, 4. Media Laws, 5. Media and Democracy, 6. Digital Rights, 7. Democratic Journalism, 8. Media Organisations Significance of Newspaper, 9. Journalism Ethics, 10. Media and Mass Commun..
Technology, Media Li teracy and Publ ic Sphere, Internet and Pol i tical Atti tudes, Using New Media for Inclusive, New Trends of Media and Indian Democracy, Coverage of Heal th News in Print Media of Al igarh, Crisis Communication and Management, Role of Social Media in Human, Role of Doordarshan..
Introduction to Media, Media in the Marketing, Exploring the Media, The Structure of Media Organizations, Media Regulation and Self-Regulation, Planning, Managerial Decision Making, Leadership and the Work Force, Online Networks, Web Commerce, Media, Culture and Modern Times, The Production of Media..
1. The Mass Media Today, 2. Media-Audience Relationship, 3. Changing Landscape of the Mass Media, 4. Media and Social Responsibility, 5. Responsible Journalism, 6. Media and Its Influence on Society, 7. Role of the Media in Peacebuilding,..
Introduction to Biochemistry, Antibiotics, Biochemistry of Proteins, Stereochemistry of Amino Acids, Biochemistry of Drugs, Structure of the Cell Membrane, Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy, Nutrigenomics, Enzyme Inhibition..