Agricultural Biodiversity, Poverty and Development, Cost-benefit Analysis for Irrigation and Water, Economic Reforms and Agricultural Development, Economic Impact on Vegetables Diseases, Impact of Economic Inflation in Agriculture Sector, Bio-economic Modelling of Climate Change on Crop Production, ..
Introduction, Night Audit Routine and Account Statement, Function of Night Audit Management.., The Night Audit Process, Verifying the Night Audit, Hotel Night Audit Procedures, Front Office Management..
Theoretical Frame Work of the Study, Review of Related Literature, Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Summary and Conclusion of the Study, Bibliography, Annexure..
Introduction, Indigenous Medicinal Practices, Agrotechniques of Selected Medicinal Plants, Tribal Health and Medicinal Plants, Involvement of Indigenous Peoples and Institutions, Tree Improvement: Provenance Information on Indigenous Poplars, Status of Important Economic and Medicinal Plants, Ethnom..
Introduction, Major Stage of Industrial Agricultural Development, Development of Industrial Biotechnologies, Fertilizer Industry: Growth and Development, Herbal Drug Industry, Dairy Industry, Poultry Industry: Production and Management, Food Processing Industry..
Industrial Agriculture of Crops Farming, Urban Agriculture and Farming System, Land Ownership and Farm Structure, Changing Land Policy and Future of Agriculture, Cropping Systems for Upland Areas, Industrial Location and Regional Development, Land Policy and Urban Planning in Agriculture, Status of ..
Introduction to Digital Archives, Best Practices in Digital Archiving, Emerging Trends in Information Archiving, Digital Contents, Access to Information Archives, Information Archiving Programmes, Management of Digital Collections, Challenges of Archival Information,..