Introduction, Principles and Guidelines, Service Quality, Hospitality Revenue Management, Social Determinants of Demand, Tourist Destination Operations, Prospect of Development in Hospitality Sector, Programmes and Policies in Hospitality Industry, Front Desk Management for Hospitality Sector, Impor..
Food Services Operation, Food Service Cafeteria and Restaurant Management, Distribution Management of Foods, Chefs, Head Cooks, and Food Preparation\r\nand Serving Supervisors, Food and Beverage, Handling and Technical Aspects of Foods, Vitamins Hang out in Water and Fat, Nutrition and Dietary Suppl..
Practice and Procedures of Housekeeping, Pattern of Service in Restaurant, House Keeping Fundamentals, Composition and Sequencing of Menu, In-Room Dining, Behavioural Patterns of Service Staff, Broad Categories of Catering Services, Food and Beverage Services,..
Modern Human Behaviour, Adiction and Adoloscence, Aggression, Aging and Cognition, Alcohal: Psychological Effects, Victimology and its influence on Criminal\r\nJustice Sysem, Psychological Assesment of Victims, Sexual Abuse and Molestation, Partner Violence and Victims, Victims of War and Terrorism,..
Field of Human Geography, Concept of Nation and State, Federalism, Geopolitics, Political Region of The World, Concept of Heart Land and Rein land, Frontiers and Boundaries, Small Holdings in India and their Remedies, Natural Resource Aspects of Sustainable\r\nDevelopment in India..
Introduction, Human Rights : International Machanism, Human Rights : International Context, Human Rights : Indian Context, Human Rights Commissions, Human Rights and Marginalised Sections, Methods of Teaching Human Rights, Human Rights Related to Education, Human Rights and Other Issues..
1. What are Human Rights?, 2. The International Bill of Human Rights, 3. Human Rights Bodies, 4. United Nations System for Human Rights Protection, 5. International Court of Justice, 6. The International Criminal Court, 7. Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action,..