The Microscopic Interpretation of Heat and Work, Combined Modes of Heat Transfer, Mechanisms of Heat Transfer, Physical Concept of Entropy, Analogy between Fluid Friction and Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Mass of Carbon in Fuel Gases, Measurement of Heat Capacity, Spe..
Crime Investigation, Some Important Basic Concept, The Process of Investigation, Investigating Tools, Witness and Crime Secure Management, Introduction to Intelligence, Intelligence Model, Basic Analysis Techniques..
Delivery Modalities and Environments for Effective Blended\r\nLearning, Designing the Classroom of the Future, Development of Rural Folk Games: A Study, Dimensions of Future Classroom - A Global Perspective, E- Learning - Crossing the Classroom Boundaries, E-Content Development for ICT in Higher Edu..
Introduction, Automobile Transmission System, Suspension System, Battery, Dynamo and Alternator, Dynamo and Alternator, Thermodynamics and Heat Engines, Closed and Open System, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Difference Between Gas and Vapour,..
Human Rights Education in India: Needs and Future Actions, Human Resource Development in Globalization, Human Rights and Cultural Values, Human Rights Education and Dalit Children, Poverty, Literacy & Development Challenges for The 21st Century, Impact of Education on Ethno-medicine and Health Care\..
Education, Social and Economic Development of Women, Women Empowerment and Economic Development, Advancement of Women in Business and, Business, Microfinance and Women Empowermen, Gender Equity and Development, Gender Justice: Digitally Empowered Women, Human Rights Violence, An Overview of Women?s ..
Historical Context of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Project, Diversity of Abyssal Marine Life, A Global Census of Marine Microbes, Marine Life in the Antarctic, Economy and Cruise Industry, Cruise Industry Development, The Cruise Experience, Job Created by Cruise Industry,..
Marine Life in the Arctic, Biodiversity Knowledge and its Application in the\r\nGulf of, Tracking Fish Movements and Survival on the\r\nNortheast, The Future of Marine Animal Populations, Microbes in the Ocean, New Discoveries in Sea, International Regulation in Cruise Business, Cruise Ship Deck and..