Capitalist Transformation of Agriculture, Capitalism Economy in Agriculture, Developed Capitalist Production in Agriculture, Food Production and Industry, Economics and Agricultural Production, The Industrial Focuses of Capitalism Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Management..
Gold: An Introduction, Gold Extraction, Gold Mining, Gold Parting of Chemistry, Ore Deposits and Process Mineralogy, Process Selection of Gold, Principles of Gold Hydrometallurgy, Gold Leaching, Surface Chemical Methods..
Relevance of Climate to Food Production, Climate Change-Agriculture Conundrum, Climate Change and the Availability of Water Resources, Effects of Climate Change on Soil Fertility, The CO2 Fertilization Effect, Climate Change and Crop Water Use, Effects of Global Warming on Plan Growth and Yields, Po..
Introduction, The Growing of Commercial Farming System, Farming Systems in Commercial Agriculture, Green Revolution, Crop Production and Marketing, Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Farming Systems and Resources in Agriculture, Farm Business Management..
Infectious Plant Diseases and their Control, Bacteria, Growth and Reproduction, Plant Protection, Soil Bacteria and Actinomycetes, Nutrition and Growth of Bacteria, Nutrition and Cultivation of Bacteria, Fungal and Bacterial Leaf Diseases, Characteristics: Biology, Ecology, Uses, Cultivation, Princi..
Plant Nutrition, Biofertilizer, Mineral Matter in Plants, Plant-Soil Interactions: Nutrient Uptake, Water Requirement of Different Crops, Climatic Requirements of Plants, Differentiation, Replication and Inheritance..
Introduction, Plant Growth and Development, Plant Cells, Process of Plant Tissue Culture, Techniques of Plant Tissue Culture, Micro Propagation of Plants, Plant Cell Organogenesis, Cloning of Plants, Gene Expression in Plants..
1. Introduction, 2. Microbiology of the Milk, 3. Microbiology of Starter Cultures, 4. Microbiology of the Cream, 5. Physico-chemical Testing of Milk\r\nand Dairy Products, 6. Microbial Control by New Nonthermal Methods, 7. Dairy Wastes and Treatment, 8. Controlling Microbial Quality of Food\r\nand F..
Introduction, Agricultural Statistics, Census of Agriculture, Urban Land Use Planning and Food Policy, Sampling and Statistical Survey, Agricultural Growth and Policy, Strategy of Food and Agriculture, Agricultural Technologies in Food Policy, Safety and System..