Formation of Planets, Exploration of the Moon, Atmosphere of Earth, Iron Planet, Analytic Function of Earth Model, Multiplication, Division and Exponentiation in\r\nPolar Form, Generalised Estimating Equation, Nonhomogeneous Equation with Constant Coefficients, Soil Forming Factors, Water Pollution..
The Economic System and the Environment, Economic Model and Environment, Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Renewable Energy, Ecological Economics, Business and Sustainable Development,..
Aquaculture of Salmon, Estimation of Gill Net Selection, Commercial Broiler Production on an, Fish Breeding, Fertility of Interspecific Hybrids, Elective Breeding, Estimation of Mortality Rates, Conditioning the Parent Fish..
Settlement Geography, Population Geography, Human Geography., Development of Economic Geography, Population Census and Agriculture Data, Agricultural Census, Agricultural Labour?Employment and Wages, Frequency Distribution..
Globalization, Poverty and Food Security:\r\nTowards the New Millennium, Food Security, Rural Women, Food Security and\r\nAgricultural Cooperatives, India?s National Food Security Act:\r\nEntitlement of Hunger, Major Problems of Food Security in India, Gene Revolution and Food Security, Development-..
Introduction: Economy in Society, Production and Reproduction, Consumption and Exchange, Economy and the State, The Legacy of the Classics and the New Boundaries\r\nbetween Economics and Sociology, Social Stratification, Organizational Theory, and\r\nSociology of Development, New Economic Sociology ..
Introduction, The Scarcity Principle, Fundamentals of Supply, Competition and Monopoly, Production by the Firm and Industry, Demand for Factors, Human Capital, Accumulation of Capital over Time..
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Human Capital Theory: Implications for\r\nEducational Development, Developing Human Capital by Linking Emotional Intelligence\r\nwith Personal Competencies in Indian Business Organizations, Effectiveness of a Conflict Resolution Training Program in\r\nChanging ..
The fast Changing of the Social order Through Higher Education, Social Guidance Through Humanities Courses in Higher Education, 3\r\nAdult Education ? An Instrument of Poverty Alleviation, Assessment and Accreditation of Schools, Curricular Changes in Teacher Education, Educating Children With Learn..
The Fast Changing of the Social Order Through Higher Education, Social Guidance Through Humanities Courses in Higher Education, Adult Education?An Instrument of Poverty Alleviation, Assessment and accreditation of schools, Curricular changes in Teacher Education, Educating Children with Learning Dif..