Resources and Applications of Biotechnology, Agricultural Biotechnology, The Industrial Potential of Biotechnology, The Milk Industry, Industrial Enzyme Applications, Innovation in Agricultural Biotechnology and Global\r\nFood Security,..
Introduction, Detection Methodology of Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Biotechnology: Prospects and Challenges, Biotechnology and Agricultural Development, Biotechnology and Agro-biodiversity, Future Trends in Biotechnology, The Application of Biotechnology to Sustainable\r\nForestry, Food ..
Agriculture Finance, Technical Processing in Agricultural Production, Modern Agriculture in Farming Management, Agricultural Marketing Management, Farm Management System, Economic Reforms in Agriculture, Agricultural Production Forms and Capitalist Economy, Commercial Agriculture, Green Agriculture..
1. Introduction, 2. Agriculture and Poverty, 3. Agricultural Growth and Performance: .....................................................\r\nAn Economy-wide Analysis, 4. Poverty Alleviation in Rural India : Programmes and Strategy, 5. Urban Agriculture and Farming, 6. Poverty Reduction and Food Sec..
Introduction to Agro-Processing, Agricultural Structures, Seed Processing Techniques, Fruit Specific Processing Technologies, Processing Technologies, Dairy Process Engineering, Fish and Meat Processing, Food Engineering..
Agricultural Productivity for Sustainable Food Security, Plant Production, Agricultural Productivity for Sustainable\r\nFood Security in Asia., Sustaining the Multiple Functions of\r\nAgricultural Biodiversity, Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural Investment, Production Capacity\r\n..
1. Agricultural Impacts on Water Pollution, 2. Water Population Growth and Environmental Quality, 3. Irrigation Water Management, 4. Water Resources Management in Agriculture, 5. Climate Risk and Agricultural Water Management, 6. Role of Biological Oxidation in Wastewater Treatment, 7. Industrial Wa..
Introduction, Importance of Agriculture in Human Life, Agricultural Technology, Agricultural Productivity, Agricultural Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Security, Agriculture Marketing, Food Production, Utilization and Management,..
Introduction, Types and Methods of Irrigation, Paddy Irrigation and Water Management, Modern Irrigation Techniques, Population and Irrigation Water Management, Irrigation Systems..
Measurement of Agricultural Productivity\r\nand Efficiency, Crop Combination and Diversification, Agricultural Census, Population Census and Agriculture Data, Agricultural Labour?Employment and Wages, Frequency Distribution, Rural Economy, Small Holdings in India and their Remedies, Human Migration ..
1. Microbes and Agriculture, 2. The Epidemiology of Foodborne Disease, 3. The Environment of Sustainable Agriculture, 4. Virus, 5. Fungal Endophytes of Plants, 6. The Soil Microorganisms and Rhizosphere, 7. Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Microbiology, 8. Microbiology,..