Introduction, Importance of Agriculture in Human Life, Agricultural Technology, Agricultural Productivity, Agricultural Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Security, Agriculture Marketing, Food Production, Utilization and Management,..
Real Analysis, Elementary Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Continuous Function, Metric Space, Geometric Topology, Graph Theory, The Topology of Complex Numbers..
Introduction, Types and Methods of Irrigation, Paddy Irrigation and Water Management, Modern Irrigation Techniques, Population and Irrigation Water Management, Irrigation Systems..
Measurement of Agricultural Productivity\r\nand Efficiency, Crop Combination and Diversification, Agricultural Census, Population Census and Agriculture Data, Agricultural Labour?Employment and Wages, Frequency Distribution, Rural Economy, Small Holdings in India and their Remedies, Human Migration ..
1. Microbes and Agriculture, 2. The Epidemiology of Foodborne Disease, 3. The Environment of Sustainable Agriculture, 4. Virus, 5. Fungal Endophytes of Plants, 6. The Soil Microorganisms and Rhizosphere, 7. Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Microbiology, 8. Microbiology,..
Introduction, Effect of Microbials, Effect of Waste Water on Air, Environmental Effect, Environmental Microbiology, Cause and Effect of Air Pollutants, Bio Nutrients, Effect Due to Atmospheric Layers, Biosynthesis of Air Temperature..
Air trafic control, The NAS ATM system development Process, Airline Operations and the Environment , Air line Traffic and Operations at Airports, Aviation Safety, Flight Control and Planning, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-broadcast and\r\n�berlingen Mid-air Collision, Features of Air Traffic Mana..
Introduction, The Airline Industry, Airline Reservation System, Airline Alliances, Airport Retailing, Air Travelling : Rules and Regulation, Air Transportation, Contract Flight and Flight Entertainment, Flights: Scheduled and Charter, International Flights and Flight Career, Airport Security System,..
Introduction, Agricultural use of Sewage Sludge, Organic Agriculture and Soil Biodiversity, Soil Enzymes, Microfauna and Microflora, Soil Contamination, Fundamental Soil Forming Processes, Soil Moisture..
Proteins, Microbial Nutrition and Growth, Biomoleculesm, Protein Sequence Comparison, Protein Multiple Sequence Alignment, Gene Expression, Enzymes and Amino Acids, Amino Acids and Carbohydrates,..