Methods of Electron Microscopy, Fundamental Principles of Scanning Electron Microscopy, The Transmission Electron Microscope, Electron Spectroscopic Imaging, Aberrations in Optical Systems of Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Surface Structure, Electron Optics and Electron Microscopy, Infrared Dio..
Cost Estimate, Project Planning, Pricing Preliminaries, Value Engineering, Breach of Contract, Alternative Procedures, Construction Surveying, Functional Analysis Systems Technique (FAST)..
The Microscopic Interpretation of Heat and Work, Combined Modes of Heat Transfer, Mechanisms of Heat Transfer, Physical Concept of Entropy, Analogy between Fluid Friction and Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Mass of Carbon in Fuel Gases, Measurement of Heat Capacity, Spe..
1. Hotel Organizational Structure, 2. Front Office Management, 3. Human Resource Management in Hotels, 4. Hotel Operation and Administration, 5. Customer Relationship Management, 6. Importance of Effective Communication in\r\nHotel Operations, 7. Financial Management in Hotels, 8. Ensuring Security ..
1. What are Human Rights?, 2. The International Bill of Human Rights, 3. Human Rights Bodies, 4. United Nations System for Human Rights Protection, 5. International Court of Justice, 6. The International Criminal Court, 7. Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action,..
Introduction of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Integrated Manufactured Goods and Process Design, Biotechnological Medical Device Industry and Medical\r\nManufacturing Technology, Advanced Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling, Modern Strategic Roles of Manufacturing Technology, System Design in ..