Marine Engineering, Electrical Bonding for the Control of Static Electricity, Ship?s Electrical System, Diesel Engine: Background and Function, Ship Electric Equipment and Submarine Screw Propellers, Oil Monitoring and Electric Propulsion Onboard Ship, Special Electrical Practice for Oil, Gas and Ch..
Ship?s Electrical System,Marine Electrical Power Distribution and System,Electrical Power,Steam Generators,Marine Automatic Voltage Regulators,Marine Switchboards and Switchgear,High Voltage in Ships..
Management of the Marine Fisheries Resources, Current Status of Marine Fisheries, Marine Biology, Sustainability in Fisheries System, Fisheries and Aquaculture Production and Resources, Fisheries Resources Management, Marine Fishing, Marine Capture Fisheries,..
Introduction, Fish as Food., Forage Fish, Deep Sea Fish, Coral Reef, Reef Marine Fisheries, Blast Fishing and Types of Operations, Marine Fishing, Management of the Marine Fisheries Resources, Fishing and Marine Ecosystems, Biodiversity and\r\nConservation, Freshwater Fish Processing and Products, Q..
1. Deep Sea Resources,. 2. Ocean Sciences, 3. Physical Chemical Analysis of Water, 4. The Scientific Discoveries, 5. Scientific Deep-sea Discoveries, Ocean Carbon: A Dent in the Iron Hypothesis, 7. A New View of Oceanic Phytoplankton..
Introduction, Toxic and Physical Pollution of Water, Collapse of Coastal Marine Ecosystems, Biology of Marine Pollution, Aquaculture Ponds and Marine Sediments, Marine Biodiversity, Carbon Dioxide in Lakes, Disposal of Pollutants in Marine System, Marine Ecology and Pollution..
Tourism Management, Tourism and Development, Development of Cruise Ship Tourism Industry, Tourism System, Coastal Tourism Development, Maritime Tourism, Cruise Hospitality and Shipping\r\nManagement, Environmental, Economic, Social and Cultural Impacts\r\nof Polar Tourism, The Port System and Marine..
The Principles of Sustainability Development in Marine Tourism, Sustainable Development of the Cruise Sector, Tourism Development and the environment, Sustainable Community, Environment and Tourism Development, The Shipping Industry and Environemnt, Environmental Impacts of Marine Tourism - Global L..
Marketing Research, Market Research Process, Consumer Buying Behaviour, Research Design and Methods in Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Decision Making Process and Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research Methodology, Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation..
The Importance of Tourism, Marketing in Tourism and Communication, Capital Investment in the Hotel-Tourism Industry, Development of Tourism Management, The Economics of Tourism Management, Tourism Strategy Marketing and Management, Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Tourism Planning Management, Serv..
Introduction, Communication and Sustainable Tourism, Travel Operations and Consultancy, Computer Applications, Air Transportation, Rail Transport, Water Transport, Tourism Products, Marketing: Concepts and Practices, Career Opportunities,..