Elements of Logistics, Tankers and Container Ship, Shipping Logistics, Ship Management and Operations, Integrated Logistics Management, Container Ship, Shipping Industry, Maritime Shipping Management, Shipboard and Cargo Management, Cruise Ship Tourism Industry, Ships and Port Management..
Introduction to Finishing, Textile Finishing, Methods of Finishing, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Processes, Finishes for Polyester Fibres, Fabric Finishing, Processes of Finishing, Modernisation in Textile Industry, Carpet Industry,..
Introduction to Total Quality Management, Service Quality Management in Tourism and Hospitality\r\nIndustry, Quality of Customer Experience in Tourism Industry, Quality Policy Services in Hotel Management, Hospitality and Lodging Management, Quality of Performance Measurement, Travel Motivations a..
Introduction, Tourism Products: Characteristics and Forms, Types and Forms of Tourism, The Ebb and Flow of Tourism, Tourism, Hybridity and Ambiguity, Ethics in Tourism, Intellectual Tourism, Indigenous Tourism and Service, Management of Ecotourism: The economics of ecotourism, Marketing for Tourism,..
Limited Services of Hotels, Tour and Travel Agency, Travel and Tour Operations, Eco-tourism and the Tourism Industry, Business in Travel and Tourism, Hospitality Service Management, Functions of Hospitality Organization and Industry, Beverage Services in Hotels and Markets, Restaurant Industry..
Accommodation in the Tourism Industry, Control of Service Qualilty in Hotel Industry, Classification of Hotel Management and Advertisement, Marketing the Small Lodging Business, The Emergence of Alternative Forms of Tourism, Tourism Infrastructure, Product Mix of a Hotel, Public Sector in Hotel Busi..
Airlines: An Introduction, Ticketing Service Management, Airport Handling and Ticketing, Hospitality Service Management, Travel Agency Practices in Hotel, Development of Hotel and Motel,..
The Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Tourist Transport and Travel Marketing, Global Trends of Consumer Behaviour in Tourism, Contract, Travel and Public Sector Catering, Trends and Skill Needs in the Tourism Sector, Media Communications and Business in Developing\r\nTourism, Managerial Skills in Ho..
Currency Markets: An Introduction, Capital Market, The Currency Trading Market, Plastic Money: Credit and Debit Card, Currency Areas, Exchange Rate Systems and International\r\nMonetary Fund, Value of Money Market, Cash Management..
World Wide Web in E-Commerce, Information Technology in E-Commerce, Social Media Channels for Marketing, Customer Retention in Online Retail, Strategies for Business over Web, Online Shopping and Marketing, Mobile Commerce and Marketing, E-commerce and Economic Growth, Smart Cards and Electronic Pay..